My new year resolution.
Year 2016 has been my most successful year. This turned out to be the end of basic student life. With lots of hard work, and self motivation i was able to complete what i have started. Being CA was one of the main highlights of my life in 2016. This year has provided me with lots of motivation, strength and ability to succeed in life.
2017 is again going to be the year of challenge, struggle and hard work. I will again be struggling with my works. I will be struggling with the conflict of either working for others or making other people work for me. Working for others has never been my dream. This is the reason i have to make 2017 as the start of my entrepreneurial journey. When it comes to starting something new or doing something that has never been done by others, there has never been an easier way. The path always turn out to be harder, difficult and riskier and all you need to do is tackle everything, fight everyone and solve everything that comes in front of you.
So my resolution for this new year is to quit the job and start my own entrepreneurial journey.
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